Thursday, December 17, 2015
Blog 13
Monday, December 14, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
My Favorite Character In The Book
Tonton Julian is an adoptive father of Ti Moune and also a peasant. There are several reasons why I like him. First, he is going to be my role in the musical. Thus, he surely is one that I know the best and one that I have to love as a character.
Secondly, I feel like he and I have a few things in common. On page 27, it says, "Men like Tonton Julian were absent. They met instead outside of huts to talk, to complain, to drink rum and shout of their grievances to each other". I was so surprised that he acts just like me. To talk, to complain, and to drink (for me it will be orange juice) are the things that I always do when I want to dissolve my stressful life. When I felt something in common with the fictional character, I think it is natural to like the character more.
Lastly, he is not only a very protective and loving father but also a funny and friendly husband. On page 34, it says "Tonton Julian, seeing the fearful faces around him, the begging eyes of his little gem, shrugged". I think it shows his caring about his gem-like daughter. When she said she wants to make the strange guy who she likes on her mat, he was worried about her being in danger but because he loves his daughter so much, he could not just reject her wish and her begging eyes. On page 36, he says to Mama Euralie, laughed, "Now we are asked to pray for sun, when what we must have to survive is rain. It's in this way men participate in their own doom". I felt like he was the only character who makes some jokes. This characteristic is what I like the most about him. He is funny and makes boring reading into a little bit entertaining. He is teasing and funny especially to his wife. For example, on page 63, he says "Real joy only comes in the future", when Mama Euralie said "But what joy can come from her [Desiree] hopeless dreams?" with a little anxiety. His teasing answer drew her angry but being teaseful is his own feature.
Tonton Julian seemed very strict at first, but as I read the book, I found that he was actually a very soft, caring, frank, and cute in some ways. He is an essential character in this book and therefore he would be my favorite character.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Question 4
Desiree (Ti Moune) is a peasant girl who devotes herself to the love which is a dream. She has really smooth skin and her body is shiny as the Jewel. Although she belongs to the peasant village, her mind actually is outside of the village. She is a character who has a quite mixed characteristic of peasant and rich, I would say. However she anyway belongs to the peasant group, so I will costume her as a peasant girl, such as one piece dress and barefoot. These costumes are to show that she is a peasant. To also show that this girl longs for the love, I want to make a connection with the god of love Erzulie. Therefore, as I imagined that Erzulie would wear pink and purple, I want Desiree's one-piece dress in pink and purple (maybe more like pink). Also, because the image of an outsider and dreamer seems like who are seeking for the freedom, I do not want to make her wear the hood that most of peasant women wear. Instead, I want her to let down her to look more freely. Lastly, because she later falls in love with the grande Homme who is from the rich side, I want to make the connection between her and the rich. Luckily the story said she has very smooth skin and shiny eyes like Jewels which seem like the trait of rich, so I want to emphasize it through makeup. For instance, (I don't know much about makeup) use powder to make a lighter-looking skin or use moist to make skin look shiny.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Four Essential Gods

First, for Asaka, I will dress her in a green dress and flower hat. I thought simply that because Asaka is goddess of natural things, she needs to wear in the color of nature: Green. Because of the same reason, I want to make her put flower hat on. Also I think Asaka has pretty bright personality according to "Asaka smiled and we laughed with joy. She laughed and we danced" (Guy, 11), so I want her make up to be in bright color and to be little short. I think it will show that Asaka is very bright active goddess who loves nature. Secondly, for Agwe, through my simple thinking process, he will have to wear deep blue color robe and maybe blue wig (or maybe fish mask haha). He seems very generous and adoring Asaka, so I want him to be looking a little old; I will draw some wrinkles and put some long beard. Third, for Papa Ge, obviously I want him to wear black clothes. I think all the peasants are afraid of him because they say "Papa Ge, don't come around me", so I would draw very scary makeup on his face like the phantom. Also I do not know why but I feel like make him wear a magician hat. I think it will make him look scary and keep others from approaching. Lastly, for Erzulie, I would like her to wear very lovely long pink dress and have a long hair. I would like her to be looking mature since love is understandable when a person is mature. Thus I will put a lot of eye makeup which will help make her look older. As a result, all four gods have different color and appearance and so do other characters. The four gods, who will make the story interesting, would be easily distinguished.
So far I have only read very small portion of the book, so I am not sure about the whole plot. Also I do not know well about the base story The Little Mermaid so it will be hard time. However as Tonton Julian in the production. I will try to get this novel as perfectly as I can.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Final Draft Of Written Coursework
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
My Visit To The Writing Center

Revision with Ms. Swift was pretty much about technical problems. She made me read my paper out loud to see if it sounds weird. Interestingly, when I read it out, I could see problems that I could not see while I was writing. I fixed those problems by myself, but for some subtle problems that required more insightful English skill, she directly suggested me to fix it. She also advised me about my first body paragraph. She said if you are trying to show your staging was funny and the way I made it funny, your description should be very vivid and FUNNY. Then she showed some jokes from magazine on her cork board, and brought the magazines to show me what joke makes people laugh and what factor makes funny situation. Unfortunately, I did not think the description of first body paragraph, which is about the dance club adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, was funny. I had to add more evidence to make the description more imaginable and hilarious. Also she wanted me to be more specific about the musics. For example, I used two contrasting musics in terms of the atmospheres and I just described them on my paper using some adjectives, but she said I could write the actual song name on the paper to be more specific and cite them at the end of the paper. Nevertheless, I went over only the first and second body paragraph with her so I have to go over with her again. I do not think I did enough.
The writing center was very helpful to see my hair-spliting problems that I could not see, so in the future, I will definitely use the writing center more frequently especially when I have problems with my grammar, and when I am unsure about the structure of writing. Also because I get to read out my paper in front of native speaker and get to realize my mistakes or problems, I think I can improve my speaking skill as well as self-revising skill. I am still working hard on my draft, and I will keep working on until I hear the writing center says "Did you plagiarize? It is flawless!".
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Adventure to The Neverland

The first thing that impressed me was the setting. It seemed that there were too many props which made the stage look too complicated for the stage crews to remember all the locations where they needed to be; there were huge tree trunks, a large mesh, and a heavy ship handle. Nevertheless, every time when setting had to be changed, all the lights turned off, a whole bunch of people appeared, and did their job. After the light turned on, the setting was changed completely and perfectly. Peter Pan required several background transformation and our stage crews and some volunteers did really awesome job at making as well as moving it. (Light was also very good even without Jack Jack!)
Next thing was the music. The background musics which were played by Maggie (flute and recorder) and another piano player (I have no idea who he/she was) were really nice. Charlotte's humming melody which kept going on throughout the whole play was also very cool. I really enjoyed musical features so much.
Some comical factors were memorable too. Faculty pirates especially Mr. Porter who seemed comfortable at acting and casts' funny motions which showed the trace of agonizing over the perfection of the play were impressive. If there was one thing that was really shame; I tried to apprehend all the lines and story line but I could not because of my not perfect English skill. If I could understand, it must have been better.
Thanks to our directors, at least people who watched Cheshire Academy version of Peter Pan would realize about the fact that is not well-known and hopefully become interested in J. M. Barrie's version and our amazing drama program.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Revised Draft
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Inclass outline
Thesis: If the story of Romeo and Juliet were put into the real modern world, the plot would be perceived as irrational and implausible. Therefore, I tried to portray the ridiculous aspects of the scenes by using exaggeration and sarcasm and played loud and tranquil musics to change the atmosphere.
brief description
The reason why I chose the scenes
Second Paragraph 1.5
Part that is unrealistic
Reason why it is unrealistic
How did I make it realistic - exaggeration, loud music, setting, dancing
Third Paragraph 2.2
Part that is unrealistic
Reason why it is unrealistic
How did I make it realistic - sarcasm, music, exaggeration, props
Fourth Paragraph 3.1
Part that is unrealistic
Reason why it is unrealistic
How did I make it realistic - contrasting music, slow motion, exaggeration
- Conclusion
Monday, November 9, 2015
Comic Version of Romeo and Juliet - First Draft of Coursework
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Modern Creative Interpretation of Romeo and Juliet
Eventually it turned out to be great! I was so glad that my group made others laugh. It felt like my group members' and my hard work paid off. Especially when people laughed at the scenes that I intended to make them laugh, I could not be happier than that. My group work seemed to be pretty satisfying for me and also had improved when comparing to the first rehearsal, yet there are quite many ways it can be improved. For the final filming day, my group tried to memorize all the lines to make the scenes flow smoothly. However, because of our insufficient performance ability, it did not work that well. We sometimes forgot the lines or mumbled it. If we get the next chance to try, we definitely need to speak up when saying lines and enunciate clearly. At least trying to memorize might have improved our ability though. Also one more thing I wanted to improve was for the first scene, which is the first meeting of Romeo and Juliet, could be more funny. I could add some more movement and interactions between Juliet and Romeo or Romeo and his friends. I felt like comparing to the size of the setting, I did not use all the stage to act.
I think the one thing we were truly good at was music. We found some really good music for the scenes and used exactly as a tool of making a comedic aspect. There are still a lot more things that could be better, which make me really try one more time, I am so proud of my group's improvement. Also, I think my acting skill changed a little bit too. I became more confident about standing in front of audience and less awkward speaking up than before. I am so happy about this project and it was a lot of fun doing works.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Reflection on my first draft
Monday, November 2, 2015
What we want to show
Friday, October 30, 2015
Project Script
I thought all for the best.
R: This day’s black fate on more days doth depend. This but begins the woe others must end. Now, Tybalt, take the “villain” back again That late thou gavest me, for Mercutio’s soul.
T: Thou wretched boy that didst consort him here Shalt with him hence.
They fight, Romeo stabs tybalt.
Remember: when Romeo stabs SLOW MOTION
Tybalt dies.
Romeo is horrified, and he runs away.