Saturday, January 23, 2016
How Our Scenes are Going

Saturday, January 16, 2016
Poor vs. Rich
Good men vs. Villains
Desiree - an innocent, pure, beautiful girl
Tonton - desiree’s father
Daniel -
Gabriel -
Colors - black and white
My group proposed to build a focus on the contrast between rich and poor.The idea was discussed during class in various ways and I think it shows the main conflict of My Love My Love the Peasant Girl. The whole story is based on a fact that different civilians are separated by social divisions. Villagers including Desiree are pure and innocent while rich people are mean and manipulating the poors.
From her journey to her death, one thing that my group noticed was the rich’s ignorance. While the main character Desiree is a pure, innocent, and naive girl, the rich people, Daniel and his father, misled her and pushed her off the cliff. Desiree had really pure thoughts and the upper-class people destroyed that piece of pureness. Among the aristocratic world, Desiree is never a part of it. She made effort to fit in but her destiny rejected her. People looked down on her and thought she did not deserve to love Daniel. In addition, Daniel's father made Tonton go back to his town which was in far away by foot instead of providing a helicopter. Daniel fooled Desiree, who was willing to give her everything for him, even her life. Therefore, we want to make a scene that focuses on the contrast of rich and poor. According to what We felt, the upper-class people will be drawn as bad guys and peasants will be drawn as victims of rich's bossing.
Because there are four people in this group, the video should be at least 20 minutes long. Nothing is sure yet, but it seems like Ryan is going to be Daniel, Ben is going to be Daniel's father, James is going to be Tonton, and Julie is going to be Desiree. We are thinking about doing about six scenes from the book. To highlight the conflict between the rich and poor, we will use costumes, languages, music, and body languages.
First scene: Desiree and Tonton’s life - the poor’s life
Second scene: Daniel and Gabriel’s life - the rich
Third scene: Daniel crashes and Desiree finds him & Desiree takes care & romantic mood
Fourth scene: Tonton and Gabriel meet in the village
Fifth scene: They separate (show their thoughts - monologue and dialogue with their fathers)
Sixth scene: Daniel and Desiree meet (Daniel is a jerk)
Sevenths scene: Desiree talks to Tonton; Desiree gets hit by a car; Tonton becomes crazy
Eighths scene: Gabriel asks Daniel about Desiree’s story and Daniel does not even care
Left side - the poor
Right side - the rich
Lighting effect
Black out
Fade to black
Lights rise on character
Sound effect (freesound.org)
Car crash
Knocking sound
Ben is playing piano in the second scene
James is playing ukulele in the second scene
Romantic music in the third scene
Dramatic & extreme & minor music in the seventh scene
Classical music in the last scene
Daniel - casual dress
Desiree - a long skirts
Tonton - Ryan’s summer pajama
Gabriel - black suit with a black coat
First scene
Lights rise on James and Julie
James and Julie are working on a field
Narrator (Ben): “On this island of mountains, forests, hills, and valleys is a lovely peasant village. As in most of the poor villages of the island, each hut stands in its own field on a plot of forested land deeded to the peasants at an earlier time. There is a small peasant girl named Desiree and her father, Tonton.”
Desiree: “Dad!”
Tonton: “Yes, my dear?”
Desiree: “Oh I’m so thirsty, dad, do you have water?”
Tonton: “Sorry my dear, I don’t. I know we are all thirsty.”
Desiree: “Papa I hate the weather! We are waiting for the rain for three months! The crops are not going to grow now. They need water! But we are all drying out. I have not eaten for a day and you have not eaten for three days! All of us are starving.”
Tonton: “It’s okay my lovely daughter, it is going to be all fine if we keep hoping for the rain, Let’s sing a song and let this song save us from this sadness!”
They sing a happy happy song
Tonton plays ukulele and starts to sing
Oh Agwe! Please send us rain. We are all thirsty.
Oh Asaka! Let the land be wet.
Desiree: but Dad… still our village is suffering from the drought…
Tonton: uhh... (ton mu rook - sad face)
Second scene
Ben is playing piano (Raindrop - Chopin) and Ryan stands outside of the room
Daniel: (Knock knock)
Gabriel: Come in
Daniel: Since when have you started touching those old antiques.
Chopin has always been your favorite, Prelude no. 15 op 29, “Raindrop” right?
Gabriel: A bright young man wouldn't make such mistakes. These legacies were created during 1835-1839, you were right with the title but this one is op 28.
Daniel: Those well-payed music teachers never really illustrate well.
Gabriel: Never blame on others when your father has such expectations on you. So, what’s the business?
Daniel: I heard that you have something to say.
Gabriel: Indeed. Come, sit down here. (Pointing a chair)
Daniel: (sits on the chair)
Gabriel: Can you recall the French gentleman Monsieur Galimar?
Daniel: Yes father. I do remember him. He has a beautiful daughter who I used to hang out with when I was a child.
Gabriel: The lady will be back in few week from France. She is almost finished her college with full scholarship. Monsieur Galimar and I were talking about your engagement.
Daniel: It would be my pleasure. What’s the date?
Gabriel: We are discussing about it.
Daniel: Sounds like a plan. See you later, I will be taking a ride outside, I heard that Monsieur wants to see me.
Gabriel: Good. But do not forget to drive carefully when pass the poor village. The roads are tough.
Daniel: Sure.
Third scene
Ryan is driving in a car
Ryan: I wonder why Monsieur Galimar wants to meet me.
(Sound effect - car crash with honking)
Ryan unconsciously lays down on the car, bleeding
Desiree finds him
Desiree: Bon Dieu! A car is en panne. A man is in pain! Come on! Did no one appear? How, with so terrible a crash! Did no one hear?
She goes to Tonton
Desiree: Papa! There is a man who is injured! Take him to our hut!
Tonton: To our hut? Where is there the room?
Desiree: He can sleep on my mat please?
Tonton: And you?
Desiree: I am fine. He is in emergency. We should take care of him!
Tonton carries him without answering her.
In the hut - Desiree takes care of Daniel - she puts a wet towel on Daniel’s forehead - she looks at Daniel
Tonton: But Dear, who is he? We don’t know his name, or where to find his father at this time of night. He is a complete stranger.
Desiree: I believe that he is from the city.
Tonton: Ahh… Looks quite rich. Rich men’s sons must go to the big hospital for care. They must have soft beds on which to sleep, white sheets to cover them. Then should I go to find his family? It is so dangerous if this rich boy dies here.
Desiree: (taking care of Daniel without responding him)
Tonton gets ready to leave the house
Tonton: I will go to the city in the direction the young man had been coming from. To meet his father.
Tonton leaves the house
Desiree: He must not die. I shall not let him die. I’ll protect you. I’ll do battle, if battle need be done, with the gods, to keep you alive.
Desiree prays
Daniel opens his eyes
Daniel: Where am I? What happened to me?
Desiree: The God responded!
Daniel: I have dreams. Terrible dreams. Dreams that plague me. Dreams of hands reaching out for me, of dungeons opening up to me… Then I feel that touch, hear that voice, that song… Your hands hold me back. Bon Dieu! I cannot stand those other hands reaching out to me. I am not so brave. I am not brave.
Desiree: “I’m here. I’m here to keep you safe.”
Daniel: Who are you? Have i known you in another time? In another world? Your face… Your voice… Haunts me.
Desiree: I’m of this world.
Daniel: What is your name, beautiful lady?
Desiree: Please call me Desiree.
Daniel: Oh Desiree, please come to me and hold my hands.
Desiree sits with him on the bed and holds his hands
Daniel: Now I feel much better. Would you stay with me until I go to sleep?
Desiree:(says nothing but nods and holds hands)
Daniel falls asleep
Fourth scene
Gabriel plays the piano
Tonton knocks on Gabriel’s house
No answer.
Tonton shouts loud. Again and again.
Tonton: Hello??? Is no one there? I am here to meet Monsieur Gabriele. I just want to tell him that his son is in our village.
(Gabriel smashes his piano.)
Gabriel : Ahhhhh too loud! Who is this poor guy? Guard! Guard!
Tonton : I hear you inside Monseiur! Please open the door!
(Door opens)
Gabriel : What do you want peasant pig!
Tonton: Excuse me sir? I have very important thing to tell you!!
Gabriel: I do not listen nor believe what poor guy says. Get away from our village. This is not a place for people like you.
Tonton : Your son! He is in our village!
Gabriel : Say that again?
Tonton: Your son had an accident. He is in our village.
Gabriel does not answer him and go to his helicopter.
Gabriel takes the helicopter to the village
Tonton: Umm excuse me sir? How do I get back to my home?
Helicopter flies away.
Helicopter arrives at the village
Gabriel: Where’s my son? Take him to me!! I don’t want my son to stay this kitsch place!
Gabriel: My lord! What are these people doing to my dear son!
Gabriel dispels the crowd and picks up his son
Gabriel: What have they done to you, the poor peasants are smelly and they have no manner.
Lets get out of this place.
They left
Tonton is walking home
Tonton: That horrible man left me there even though I told him where his son is. I would never talk to him again!
Fifth scene
Tonton comes back to the village.
Tonton talks about what happened in the village and desiree tells that gabriel took daniel with his helicopter
Daniel’s condition gets much better and show his real life
In Gabriel’s mansion
Gabriel: Are you awake my son?
Daniel: Yes, it was such a nightmare.
Gabriel: I told you to be careful while driving, didn't I?
Daniel: Yes, but it was an accident that couldn't be prevented.
Gabriel: Fine, but stop driving by those peasants villages from now on.
Daniel: I hope so, but I think I discovered something from that village.
Gabriel: Nothing from those villages can impress my son.
Daniel: It's that peasant girl who saved me from the accident, she was such a gem, her eyes are like white marbles.
Gabriel: Don't forget who you are my son, those peasants are not reliable.
Daniel: I do realize that, I'm just appreciating her beauty. Andrea is just so much better, I don't really care about those peasants.
Gabriel: I want this conversation to end here, don't forget to meet Monsieur Galimar, he will come visit us.
Daniel: Yes dad. I just need to have some rest.
In the village
Tonton got back to the village from the rich town
Desiree: Dad! I was waiting for you so much!
(She runs to Tonton and hugs him)
Tonton: Yes I’m back. My dear daughter, is everything alright? You seem so sad.
Desiree: Not really, not one moment in my life can be more depressed than now.
Tonton: Oh lord, what happened to you, is it because of that young man you saved?
Desiree: Indeed, Monsieur Galimer came here few days ago and took his son from me…
Tonton: Don’t be sad my daughter, he will be well cared by his own family.
Desiree: He was just too attractive to me and I really can't forget about him. Even though he left, I can't forget about everything.
Tonton: I think you are in love, I'm not able to pull you out from this, just follow your heart.
Desiree: It hurts.
Tonton left the stage
Desiree: I must go see him again, no matter what.
Sixth scene
Desiree starts a journey to rich town to meet Daniel
She is wearing a huge backpack.
Desiree: I can’t wait to see Daniel, He will be so proud and happy when I get there.
(She walks to the backstage and lights off)
One day passed.
(She shows up by walking from the back stage)
Desiree: It feels like this forest is endless... How long is this journey going to be?
Two days passed.
(She takes bread out from her backpack and starts to eat )
Desiree: It’s freezing out here… I want some warm food. But it will be worth later when I finally get to Daniel’s house.
Few days later, she gets to the rich town.
Desiree: I have never been to wealthy town like this. I believe that hotel upon the village is
where my love lives.
Desiree walks up to the hill
Desiree: Hello, Hello? Is anyone there? I'm here to see Monsieur Daniel!
Daniel: Oh lord where is that noise coming from. Is this the peasant girl again? Sounds like her.
Desiree: Hello, Hello?
Opens the door.
Daniel : Oh I think I know you. Have we met before?
Desiree: (shocked) Sorry?
Daniel: Ahh.. You are the girl who saved me. okay come in.
Desiree: (Smiles) Thank you.
Daniel: So.. Why did you come here? Do you want me to pay you because you saved my life?
Desiree: No.. I am here just because...
Daniel: (Laughs) Oh don’t tell me that you like me or something because that will never happen hahaha
Desiree: Sorry Monsieur…
Daniel: I don't care, now, leave if you don't mind. Or unless you are going to ask me for money.
Desiree: No, I'm not the person that you are thinking about. But I will leave since you said it, I hope I can see you again.
Desiree left
Daniel: She is such an annoying peasant, ruined my day.
Seventh Scene
Desiree comes back to her village
She is depressed, her clothes are dirty
Tonton sees her. So Surprised. Runs to her.
Tonton: Oh no… my dear… What have they done to you?
Desiree: Papa… I just… I thought I found the true love I have ever dreamed.
Tonton: and…
Desiree: Sorry papa...
Tonton: No Dear, don’t be so sad. It is going to be all fine… No more cry but only happiness will be here with your true families. Let’s stay with us.
Desiree: But he is my happiness. He is a part of me…
Tonton: My lovely daughter, I understand it is going to be a hard, I understand you lost him and want to go back somehow. My dear. We are so glad that you are back here safely. And we are so proud of you. We can sing together, we can dance together, and we can make you smile as before. That’s what we want to see not this sad Desiree.
Desiree cries.
Tonton: Feeling better?
Desiree: Yes papa thank you…
Tonton: Thank you my lovely dear.
Night comes. Tonton and Desiree are sleeping.
And Desiree wakes up.
Desiree: I wish this was all dream…
She Goes closer to the road. Car lights from rich side get brighter.
Loud Crashing Sounds
That wakes Tonton up.
Tonton: Oh… Please no… This is not going to happen…
Only the corpse of the girl remained on the road.
Tonton cries and shouts his sadness.
Eighth Scene
Daniel is listening to one of Richard Wagner’s music
Gabriel: (Knock Knock)
Daniel: Who is this?
Gabriel: It’s me, son.
Daniel: Oh, come in please.
Daniel turns off the music
Gabriel: Isn’t that Richard Wagner’s music?
Daniel: Yes. As you know, he is my favorite.
Gabriel: Oh really? Then did you know he is a German?
Daniel: Of course I know everything about him.
Gabriel: Didn’t he have quite a few affairs with many different girls?
Daniel: Yes he did. Even after he married with his wife, he flirts with other gentlemen’s wives. Ironically, Wagner is the one who composed the “Wedding March”.
Gabriel: Hmmm interesting. WHy do you like him?
Daniel: I admire him. He is like my role model. He is smart and brilliant. He deserves to be a playboy. By the way, are you here to tell me something, dad?
Gabriel: No, I was just wondering what you were doing. Ah, did you hear that the peasant girl from the poor village died few days ago?
Daniel: Who died?
Gabriel: The peasant girl! I think her name was Desiree. People are saying that she was hit by a car.
Daniel: Dad, I do not think we have to take care of that peasant girl.. she is out of our business.
Gabriel: You are right.
Daniel: Do you remember the macarons that we ate in France? I really miss that. I asked the cook to bake the best macarons for me, but they were not the same.
Gabriel: Oh, the macarons in France was the best. Maybe we can visit France next weekend. I will tell my secretary to book a plane ticket.
Daniel: Thank you dad. I even dreamed about the macarons yesterday.
Daniel and Gabriel: Hahahahaha (laugh)
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Scene Proposal
From her journey to her death, one thing that my group noticed was the rich’s ignorance. While the main character Desiree is a pure, innocent, and naive girl, the rich people, Daniel and his father, misled her and pushed her off the cliff. Desiree had really pure thoughts and the upper-class people destroyed that piece of pureness. Among the aristocratic world, Desiree is never a part of it. She made an effort to fit in but her destiny rejected her. People looked down on her and thought she did not deserve to love Daniel. In addition, Daniel's father made Tonton go back to his town which was in far away by foot instead of providing a helicopter. Daniel fooled Desiree, who was willing to give her everything for him, even her life. Therefore, we want to make a scene that focuses on the contrast of rich and poor. According to what We felt, the upper-class people will be drawn as bad guys and peasants will be drawn as victims of rich's bossing.
Because there are four people in this group, the video should be at least 20 minutes long. Nothing is sure yet, but it seems like Ryan is going to be Daniel, Ben is going to be Daniel's father, James is going to be Tonton, and Julie is going to be Desiree. We are thinking about doing about six scenes from the book. To highlight the conflict between the rich and poor, we will use costumes, languages, music, and body languages.